{part 3} 4 keys to choosing your soul desire
Hi loves,
In this article, I talk about one of the most important factors in manifesting what you want.
Here is Part 3.
Today, I’m going to be talking about choosing and creating your life from your heart and soul.
In life, we have been taught often to follow what others have done, or go the crowd or with what others expect from us.
But as we all know from experience, this can lead to a very lonely, unfulfilling and unhappy / dispassionate life.
This is where we find ourselves needing to learn the lesson of discovering when and how to live a life by listening, following and choosing, your soul’s desires.
Or else.
Don’t believe me?
Let’s see for yourself…….
First of all…..
What do you truly desire deep down in your HEART + SOUL?
And how often do you make decisions counter to what you feel in your heart?
What happens when we do this is, when you choose something else, whether it is what others expected of you, or what you think others want to see you choose...
You end up unhappy.
And most likely also end up wishing that you had made the better choice and selected “the thing” — that truly stole your heart and called to your soul.
We get guided through these disheartening experiences so that we have to learn to lead with our soul — or else we will end up disappointed!
And deciding on the thing that we think we should pick and think we should want, always works out well in theory, within our head, but never within the alignment of our soul.
Fast forward, to one day you you end up drudging up the past because you finally woke up to the realization and knowing that you really do deserve more — you will think of your souls desires.
When we go to sleep, we think about our souls desires.
When we are busy, our mind is on our souls desires.
Starting today… Decide to change your mind.
Decide right here and now that you cannot and will not move forward without being aligned within your heart, body and soul.
Decide that you would rather take the risk of discovering that that is like, than to lose even the possibility to have the chance at having it.
Whatever it is!
And even though the vast majority of people in society DO NOT + WILL NOT.
Set an example.
Be their example.
Pro Tip: Remember, whenever you find yourself having a problem / reacting to someone — it is because that person is reflecting to you something that you wish you could do, be or have. And vice versa, mind you as per The Universal Law of Oneness!!
And generally speaking, people can also get royally pissed as a result, that you even have the audacity to follow your heart, and not give a damn about their feelings or expectations!
With that said…
You need to always do what your SOUL needs you to do.
You need to always do what your HEART needs you to do.
Let me be real with you some more…
The reasons we get mad with other people in our life usually has nothing to do with the “other person” and tends to have EVERYTHING to DO with YOU.
It is either because they didn’t do something that you deep down expected from them / them to do — and what you will not give yourself the PERMISSION to do, be, think, say, have, in YOUR LIFE!
This makes up the work that we need to do to wake up to our fullest and highest potential.
When we look at the word iteself, desire…
desire (v.)
"to wish or long for, express a wish to obtain," c. 1200, desiren, from Old French desirrer (12c.) "wish, desire, long for,"
from Latin desiderare "long for, wish for; demand, expect," the original sense perhaps being "await what the stars will bring," from the phrase de sidere "from the stars, heavenly bodys, constellations, sky".
What we learn is that our desires within our SOUL are DIVINE.
And because of the we need to trust that those heart felt and soul-led desires are key to living your best life NOW.
Whatever is burning within you is available to you. You just have to trust it.
When you are honest with yourself about what you truly want, you will find that those around you will love when you are honest as well. Have hard conversations, and be honest about what you truly want to do.
Although, knowing what you truly want can be a challenge….
It’s because we have simply been conditioned as young children to suppress our desires, daydreams, nightly dreams and imagination.
We were told that “no one gets everything that they want”.
We were told that “it’s selfish to ask for too much.”
There is a lot of limiting beliefs and baggage hanging around our desires.
This has to be undone.
We have to just tell ourselves a new story.
This has to be undone.
We have to just tell ourselves a new story around what we want and knowing that we deserve it. It’s imperative that you know that.By having our desires we are being guided.
Your desires are safe guidance.
Your desires within your HEART + SOUL are DIVINE.
It is time for you to be honest with yourself about what you TRULY TRULY want.
without ado….
1. Feel.
Allow yourself to tap into your feelings and emotions.
What excites you?
When you think about something that you want, how do you feel?
BEFORE you let in the doubt and all the other stuff, what do you feel?
2. Listen.
Now that you know what lights you up, listen to it.
Write it down.
Take note of the desire as soon as it bubbles up.
3. Trust.
Your desires are guidance from within.
Now that you know how the feel and you have written your desire down, it is time for you to trust it. So many doubts and limiting beliefs will come up about whether you can have it.
This is good. They come up so that you can give them a voice and tell yourself your NEW TRUTH.
Once you release those doubts, you can go back to the feeling and the desire with a new found KNOWING that it is yours.
4. Act.
Now that you have felt, listened, written it down and you trust and know that your desires are SAFE GUIDANCE, you can take inspired action towards allowing these into your life.
The action may be as simple as reading your list and turning it over to God knowing that the Universe has your back and that it is bringing it into your reality as you live.
Journal Prompts:
What do you desire?
Ok, and now if you knew it was safe to have anything you wanted in the world what do you desire?
Now that I know that I can’t mess this up and I can have anything I desire, what do I want and how would I want this situation to go?
Perfect. And now that I am so clear about what I desire if there were no limits what else would I want if this situation could go exactly my way.
Now ask some lofty questions to be left answered by the universe: Why is my life so amazing, it exceeds all my expectations? How have I attracted such amazing people into my life? Why do I have enough money to pay my bills, meet all my needs and have plenty left over to share with my family? Why did I receive the house of my dreams? Who do I have more than I need? What kind of person can I become that would amaze the world? These last questions are to replace the very frequent inner questions we often ask that gets answered by the universe such as: Why am I so broke? Why doesn’t any one love me? Why does my life stink so much today? Why do I have so many bills? etc….
Download your own copy now of these 3 workbooks for guidance on discovering + journaling your soul’s desires and making them happen: Intention Setting, Life Vision + Manifestation Ritual.
♡ Tara x
P.S. Connect to your magic! Join me for the 40 days of magic challenge! The Magical Rituals: Radical Magic course is open now. Payment plans available!