muscle test your way to clarity & intuitively separate truth from falsehood
“Muscle testing is like training wheels for your intuition.” - Bradley Nelson.
I'm going to write something especially amazing for you today about your body.
Most people think of our physical bodies as machines. We've got all these organs working in tandem to help us stay alive and stuff, but what most people don't realize is this our bodies are connected to higher intelligence and most people definitely aren't aware of how they can tap into this infinite knowledge either.
The body is a natural lie detector, able to intuitively separate truth from falsehood. In fact your body can even tell whether a person, an idea, or an object, that enters your reality, is positive or not for you.
The higher intelligence of our body can tell us exactly what we need or require, whether it is to achieve better health, find love, achieve harmony, be happy, make better decisions, and more.
Before your body can do these things, you first need to know how to tap into this ability.
It's so easy to do, you don't need any sort of experience or skill. Trust me. It's powerful and I'm going to tell you how you can start using this magical tool today!
The technique is called muscle testing or to some people it is known as applied kinesiology, and I've helped hundreds of people learn to use this technique.
Muscle testing works with your body's natural electrical system by applying pressure to certain muscles, listening to the reaction, or feeling and can help to detect whenever the energy is off balance.
Muscle testing allows you to access ALL OF THIS and more, while naturally helping you to cultivate a sense of trust in your own intuition, psychic senses and ability to access higher knowledge.
I can't stress enough muscle testing is one of the easier tools you can use to help you know about yourself and start to make the right decisions for your own life.
You can access insights into the inner workings of your soul and self (and subconscious) in ways that many other techniques can't.
Muscle testing can answer any question and achieve a harmonious mind-body-soul balance while cultivating both your own power, and trust and faith in the universe to guide you towards aligning with your divine path.
(Which is extremely useful, whether you're just starting out, or are working on mastering hearing, speaking and understanding soul speak.)
Now let's dive into a muscle testing exercise for meeting and connecting to your energetic field as a starting point.
Everything that physically or energetically exists (whether it's a person an object, an idea, or even a belief) has a vibration to it. Every “thing” that exists has an energy field that moves and changes depending on how high or low the vibration of what you're thinking about is.
Negative emotions, for instance, guilt, shame, fear, worry, anger, are all toxic and have the lowest level of vibrations and we've all noticed and have experienced the negative ones; the positive ones are joy happiness love and enlightenment have the highest vibrations.
If you've ever walked into a room and felt negative energy or creepy vibe after somebody was maybe toxic or negative or had a fight or a bad day in the room then you've felt the negative energy and your body is sensitive enough to kind of pick that up and show you what's going on.
If you've ever met somebody and you feel light happy and positive or thought wow they breathe fresh life into this room or the space or they light up the room then you also know what higher vibrations feel like. You know your body is that tuned in.
What we're going to do today is evaluate the vibrations of some of the most important aspects of your life.
Just follow my lead and do it along with me.
I want you to make the “ok” sign with each hand and link them together. What we're going to do is pull and tug and we'll see whether the links are really strong when something's true and gets weak when something's not true.
Let's try something, like this… Say “My name is and then fill it in with your name”. I'm going to say my name is Tara. What I feel is very strong. I'm pulling pretty hard and I still can't open the link.
If I were to apply a ton of force, I could break it, but that's not the point. The key is to sense the strength coming from your energetic feel and calibration.
If something's true, it feels “this strong” in my body. Your body will be a little different than mine. That's why you're going to have to do this in order to test this out for yourself.
Now let's test something that's false which will feel a little easier for you to break the circle and link with your hand.
Now let's say something false. I'm going to say “My name is Britney Spears”. I'm using the same amount of strength, “My name is Britney Spears”, and I can't hold the link together. (I even tried a little harder actually probably.)
Try it for yourself.
Let's say something else negative. I'm gonna say “I love nothing. I love nothing. I love nothing”. (Obviously that's not true, as I love somethings in my life).
Be sure to test one phrase and statement at a time for the best insight. If I would've asked all these questions at once then of course I would be given mixed messages.
That's why you must state one clear direction at a time and see how the energy differs and repeat it a few times with some other statements and try to feel the difference between something that's true and something that's false.
Okay, let's now find out exactly where or how your vibrations are affecting different areas of your life.
Put your fingers together again and say this statement with me, “My job offers me the opportunity to live higher positive energies and I love it for me” is real. If your fingers hold strong then it means your current job is the right place for you to live those higher positive vibrations.
If your fingers opened easily then the answer is no and you might want to consider moving into a more amazing career option, or alternatively change your beliefs about where you currently working.
Let's try another one on how you feel about yourself and say with me, “I'm a good and worthy person”.
The results are totally strong for me and if your fingers hold strong, then you have a positive belief about yourself. If your fingers opened easily it may mean that your self-esteem is low or somewhere you imprinted a negative belief about yourself that doesn't serve you.
Maybe you think you're a bad person or something like this. Often parents will often tell kids “you're bad” and then somewhere that can get imprinted in you. So that may be where you get to now consider shifting this belief back to “I'm a good and worthy person”.
Remember: shame energy means “I am not enough”, and guilt means “I am bad”, so if you had any programming earlier in your life that made you feel bad about your life or yourself you might have a negative belief there.
However, when a person uses surrender and lets go of a negative feeling, the muscle testing will change from weak to strong. As negative thoughts or belief systems are surrendered, they no longer have the power to deplete our energy.
“The price of holding on to smallness can be demonstrated with muscle testing. The procedure is fairly simple. Hold in mind a mean, petty thought and have someone press down on your arm while you resist; notice the effect. Now choose the exact opposite view. Picture yourself as being generous, forgiving, loving, and experiencing your inner greatness. Instantly, there will be an enormous increase in muscle strength indicating a surge of positive bio-energy.” - David Hawkins.
Let's move on to the vibration of love. Love is an energy that vibrates at the frequency level of 500.
So we're going to phrase it this way, “On a scale of consciousness here, I vibrate at the level of 500 or above”. (For me, mine holds strong.)
Try it again.
Say “On a scale of consciousness here, I vibrate at the level of 500 or above. I vibrate at the energy of 500 and above.” (My answer is giving me a yes.)
You can also narrow it down, by stating, “600 or above.” “700 or above” or even “400 and above”, “300 and above”, and see where you're currently vibing at.
If you vibrate at one of those higher levels, that means you're vibrating at the literal level for attracting all the “good stuff” in your life.
Now of course if you're anything like me, I like to improve that so there's all those things to work on. But what it now gives you is a real good calibration for where you're really at.
If we're not right where we want to be in our life that's still perfectly okay, we are always where we're meant to be to move forward with what we already have in the present moment.
If you got a little weak there, don't worry about it.
This is just an invitation to show you where to start looking and the good news is by discovering the areas of your life that need improvement, you can focus on them and start raising your vibrations and energy there.
I don't want you to start worrying about where you found yourself and just use it as an invitation to start doing the inner work.
Keep practicing this exercise because the more you practice the better results you'll get and you'll be completely surprised at what you learn about yourself and the world.
How it works:
Within and surrounding the body is an intricate electrical network of pure energy and because energy runs through the muscles in your body, if anything impacts your electrical system that doesn't maintain or enhance your body's balance and your muscles will virtually “short circuit” or weaken only temporarily.
If during testing your muscle stays “strong” that would represent a YES and if it goes weak then the answer is a NO. Doing this bypasses the conscious mind, taps the muscles and accesses your intuitive and energetic system.
By asking various 'yes' and 'no' questions your muscles will respond by either remaining strong for the questions that are true, and will falter with weakness when answers are false.
This works because everything is an energetic vibration and everything has an energy field; including you and all the things you desire to be, do or have. And by focusing on any particular situation, place or thing, you connect to it.
This intelligence system in the body is connected to your inner intelligence system also known as your Soul. Your Soul is connected to the Universe also known as Source or Infinite Intelligence.
Your whole being breathes and functions internally without a single thought from you ever and your Soul is always aware of everything that is going on with your body, life, mind, thoughts, feelings, etc.
We're all connected and know everything about each other; you know, I know, your body knows, your soul knows, my soul knows. And because of the universal law of oneness, it knows everything about EVERYTHING and anything about ANYTHING.
The amazing thing is the vast amount of information we can access with muscle testing. For example: when deciding between something, muscle testing is a great way to get out of your head and into your heart; allowing your body to communicate to you the truth from your soul. Which is especially helpful if you want to know what your soul truly desires.
There are many more ways than these to Muscle Test. It's always important to play with all of these ways and select the option that works best for you. Choose the way that feels the most intuitive.
The more you use this tool the better you'll get. Enjoy it and do so often. You can check any question, from what you should eat for dinner, if a particular food or drink is right for you, what type of program you should launch for your business next, or if you should go on the date with “that guy”.
You can use this method as your trusty truth-teller and it's also how you can choose to know the consciousness level of you, your kids and your family, so you have something to go on.
For instance, you want to see where someone is operating at. Are they operating from fear, guilt, anger, or are they operating from higher vibrations? Wouldn't this be helpful to understand where people are coming from?
Muscle testing often reveals that someone unconsciously feels or believes the opposite of what they think they consciously believe they want to heal but unconsciously be attached to the payoffs of illness. A simple muscle test reveals the truth of the matter.
You can also measure at what ages most of yourself or others' trauma came in life and actually use that piece of information to clear that from them or from yourself. You could go through life knowing fact from fiction you would never get bamboozled or sucked into other people's agendas.
This is the power of using muscle-testing, measuring your consciousness and asking the right questions. You can know all these things so you can actually move forward to reshape and remold your life.
Have fun with it and remember the more you do it, the more proficient you will get at it and really begin to trust the information you get to move forward with ease in your life.
Let me know… What do you think about muscle testing? How did you do? What do you now know about yourself? What did you ask next?
PS. Here are some more muscle testing methods…
There are three primary ways to self muscle test: whole body, two handed, one handed.
1. Think of a direct YES or NO question or a direct statement.
2. Breathe deeply, silence your mind, and connect to your heart.
3. Perform one of the techniques described below.
4. Observe the response.
This is the best way to learn, as the results are most obvious. When you become confident with this method, and trust yourself to respond clearly then move onto the next.
Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart. Your knees should be loose and not tight and your body should be relaxed.
Breath deeply and ground yourself.
Clear your head and quiet your mind.
Ask the YES or NO question or make a direct statement.
Evaluate your body’s response.
With a Yes or True answer: your body leans forward.
With a No or False answer: your body leans backward.
HOW I USE IT: I’ve used this in many many situations. Most recently, I used it to help me decide which items to keep, save or donate when spring cleaning up my house and closets.
It’s not always practical to whole body test, and you may want to do something a little more discrete, this is when you can use two-handed muscle testing.
Create an “O” shape with your thumb and forefinger by firmly pressing the tips of your thumb and forefinger together.
Place the forefinger or your other hand through the “O” you created.
Breath deeply and ground yourself.
Clear your head and quiet your mind.
Ask the YES or NO question or make a direct statement.
Try to break the circle (use the same amount of pressure for each question). The amount of pressure holding the circuit fingers together is equal to the amount of your testing fingers pressing against them. Use an equal, steady and continuous pressure.
Evaluate your body’s response.
With a YES or TRUE answer: your index finger will not break the circle as the hold of your fingers will remain strong.
With a NO or FALSE answer: your index finger will break the circle as the hold between your fingers will weaken.
NOTE: It’s not a competition of strength, it’s just a matter of keeping a light connection. If the fingers stay together easily, this indicates a yes or positive response. If the fingers open, this indicates a no or negative response.
HOW I USE IT: This method is one of my most favorite methods. It is discrete and can be used anywhere. I love to use this technique during my energy shifting and soul coaching sessions. I’ve used this one in many many different situations. Most recently, I used it to help me choose between the right size when buying clothes online. I do this for that all the time, do I want this color, do I fit best in this size, is it right for me to buy this, should I sign up for this course, etc.
Create two “O” shapes with your thumb and middle finger.
Connect the shapes into interlocking circles.
Firmly press the tips of your thumbs and middle finger together.
Breath deeply and ground yourself.
Clear your head and quiet your mind.
Ask the YES or NO question or make a direct statement.
Try to break the circle (use the same amount of pressure for each question). The amount of pressure holding the circuit fingers together is equal to the amount of your testing fingers pressing against them. Use an equal, steady and continuous pressure.
Evaluate your body’s response.
With a YES or TRUE answer: the circles will stay interconnected and strong.
With a NO or FALSE answer: the circles will break apart.
HOW I USE IT: This is a great method. Several of my clients prefer this method over some of the other methods. It is all about what is intuitively the best method for you and your body. I don’t tend to use this one at all.
You can use either right or left hand for this exercise.
Press your thumb firmly against your forefinger or your middle finger
Breath deeply and ground yourself.
Clear your head and quiet your mind.
Let one finger be the one you will use for testing, and let another on the same hand be the same you’re testing with. Extend the fingers on one hand, hold in mind the question, then test by pushing down on one finger by using another finger on the same hand. I like to use my middle finger to push down on my index finger.
Evaluate your body’s response.
With a YES or TRUE answer: the fingers will stay sticky and not snap apart.
With a NO or FALSE answer: the fingers will slide/snap apart.
HOW I USE IT: This is a newer method for me that I am getting used to. I like it because it’s discreet like the O method. I use this method to find out will so-and-so receive my email and reply back, does the grocery store have this item, will my child
(I’m yet to master this exercise myself as the movement is very subtle, I personally like to see more movement as it provides visual reassurance for me. However I know other kinesiologists who prefer this method as it frees up their other hand to do other things, such as scan lists to muscle test for, eg pointing to items on a restaurant menu, or a list of kinesiologists you are considering booking with to find which one may help you best.)
There are a few things to remember when muscle testing:
Make sure you’re hydrated: You want to make sure that you are properly hydrated. Dehydration causes the body’s energy not to flow. Your answers may be off if you are tired, distracted or dehydrated.
Muscle Test in a quiet place: When you are first beginning your foray into muscle testing, ensure that you are in a quiet place. Remove distractions and clear your mind. Being in a comfortable and quiet place will help reduce competition for your attention.
Connect within & ground: Prior to muscle testing, ensure that you are connected within and grounded. Meditation will help to improve your focus. Quiet your mind and focus on your heart. Sometimes placing your hands on your heart can help you drop your focus into your soul. Meditation will help you Connect within. On days when I find my focus “all over the place” I ground. There are many many ways to ground. Various ways include: 1. Meditation. 2. Visualize yourself connecting with the earth. 3. Go outside and connect with the earth (soil or clay). 4. Connect with Nature. 5. Do something physical and get the energy moving. 6. Use Crystals such as Obsidian, Black Tourmaline or Smoky Quartz.
Trust the answers you get: Trust that your body will give you the right answer. No second guessing. Trust and Receive the answer that is right for you.
How Does Proxy Muscle Testing Work For Coaching Sessions?
Proxy testing is muscle testing that is done on myself, for you. Our bodies have a built-in capability to connect to or “call” someone else, like a cell phone. When we do this, we create an energetic connection with them. Once you’re connected, you can get answers about what is going on with this other person’s body, because you’re picking up their energetic flow or signal.
Proxy work can also be used to correct energetic imbalances on another too. Again, since you are connected to their energy field (and energy knows no space and time – just like when you’re thinking of someone and they call you!), it can be done regardless of distance.
I simply ask questions and get answers on myself that reflect what’s going on in your energy system.
There is so much we know about why this works as it relates to quantum physics but the great thing is you don’t have to understand it all or even believe in this for it be extremely accurate and provide healing.
I would love to share this with you so you can experience the incredible depth of healing for yourself!