40+ books that will change your life

Client's regularly ask me for what's on my bookshelf or book recommendations to support their inner work

…so I've finally made a list of the best books for those on the path of spiritual growth. 

 Even just reading one of these books will change your life! 

 These are great for both beginners starting their personal growth and for the seasoned ones looking to deepen their spiritual journey of becoming. 

 My top faves are 1 & 3 (and I recommend starting with these 2 first), the rest are listed in no particular order - and the goods just keep going all the way down. 

 Feel free to share with friends. Enjoy!!

 My top books on spirituality, mysticism, mind, body and soul:

  1. The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, Joseph Murphy

  2. Becoming Supernatural, Joe Dispenza

  3. Outwitting The Devil, Napoleon Hill

  4. The Power, Rhonda Byrne

  5. Loving What Is, Byron Katie

  6. Love 2.0, Barbara Fredrickson

  7. Existential Kink, Carolyn Elliott

  8. Power vs. Force, David Hawkins

  9. The Complete Works of Florence Scovel Shinn: The Game of Life and How to Play It; Your Word is Your Wand; The Secret Door to Success; and The Power of the Spoken Word

  10. Complete Works of Neville Goddard: At Your Command, Awakened Imagination & The Search, Feeling is the Secret, Freedom For All, Out of This World, Prayer, The Art of Believing, Seedtime and Harvest, The Law and The Promise, The Power of Awareness and Your Faith is Your Fortune

  11. A Course In Miracles (Book & Student and Teacher Workbook)

  12. The Attractor Factor, Joe Vitale

  13. The Magic, Rhonda Byrne

  14. The Magic of Believing, Claude Bristol

  15. Complete Works of Ram Dass: Be Here Now, Grist for the Mill, Journey of Awakening, Miracle of Love, How Can I Help?, Cookbook for Awakening

  16. Power of Positive Thinking, Norman Vincent Peale

  17. Power of the Witch, Laurie Cabot

  18. Higher Realms of Consciousness, Ken Keyes Jr

  19. Natural Magic, Doreen Valiente

  20. Emotional Intelligence 2.0, Travis Bradberry

  21. Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent, Esther Hicks

  22. Ask And It Is Given, Esther Hicks

  23. Bringers of The Dawn, Barbara Marciniak

  24. Earth, Barbara Marciniak

  25. Journey of Souls, Michael Newton

  26. Destiny of Souls, Michael Newton

  27. Celestine Prophecy, James Redfield

  28. Beginners Guide to Constructing the Universe, Michael Schneider

  29. As a Man Thinketh, James Allen

  30. The Secret of the Soul, William Buhlman

  31. Journeys, Robert Monroe

  32. Complete Works of Vivekananda: Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Raja Yoga

  33. You The Healer, Jose Silva

  34. The Kybalion, The Three Initiates

  35. Awaken Your Genius, Carolyn Elliott

  36. My Big Toe (Theory of Everything), William Campbell

  37. Bhagavad Gita (As-It-Is), A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

  38. A New Earth, Eckhart Tolle

  39. The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle

  40. Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill

  41. Angel Tech, Antero All

  42. Anastasia 1-9, Vladimir Meger

  43. The Alchemist, Paolo Coelho

  44. Conscious Language: The Logos of Now ~ The Discovery, Code, and Upgrade To Our New Conscious Human Operating System, Robert Tennyson Stevens

  45. Life Changing Conversations: A Single Conversation Can Be A Life-Changing Event, Jon Connelly

  46. Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, Ramakrishna

  47. Complete Works of Catherine Ponder: The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity, The Dynamic Laws of Healing, The Dynamic Laws of Prayer, Prosperity Secrets of the Ages

(last updated 08.04.23)

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