what does magic mean to you?
Hi loves,
Five years ago, I really took a deep dive into doing magic hands-on… The kind where you really and whole heartedly ask the universe for what you deeply and truly want.
One of the deepest levels of satisfaction that you can ever experience, is desiring something specific and then releasing it as an intention and request to the universe, and seeing universe bring it about some how and then enjoying it.
It's awe inducing and amazing.
But, guess how many mistakes I made along the way, until it started being “easy”. Ugh. So many. In fact, I FAILED way more than I ought (and want) to admit. My “failure” was only a sign to me that I was getting closer and had been going further - not that I was “unworthy”. My much larger goal was to start to see what I wanted, manifested before my eyes.
I needed things to change in my reality. The usual. Same as you. I also wanted to take my years of theory and knowledge of the unseen universe and figure out how it can be practically applied in in real life.
Now, fast forward 4 years. >>>>>
I’m living in pure liminality, which is always proving to me the very real existence of a non-ordinary reality. Only by this time, I’ve become extremely confident in my knowledge and understanding of how things work and watching it happen before my eyes.
Why? I wasn't just hoping and wishing for results anymore, I was co-creating with the universe. Specifically to make what I dreamed about, as “made real” in my life. And it’s been a sweet ride.
How did I do it?
I made a HUMBLE request... AND what I wanted was this...
I asked my soul to lead me.
I asked for my soul to show me a life that was a masterpiece of love, joy, prosperity, health, wellness, service and growth. I also surrendered into the mystery that made me. I fell into the rabbit hole of remembering of who I really was. After that, the alignment process was very basic.
I follow the signs and synchronicities.
So how do you create that kind of alignment, energy and momentum?
To be honest, it took me years to answer that question. Now I'm really good at it. Back in 2015, I started keeping track of my experiments. Then I started documenting my system, by walking a handful of my coaching clients through that process with their own lives.
I've now consolidated that entire system into one easy to follow course. It's called Magical Rituals: Radical Magic.
(Sweet name, right?)
I've found that reaching inner alignment is a HUGE tipping point in your magic.
Through attempting radical magic my clients and I have been able to manifest…
A happier and more balanced state of mind, a better relationship with my partner, a better place to live, resolution to a long standing physical issue and the unexpected opportunity to travel.
A more fully accepted self, I’m more visibly out as the badass, confident woman that I am, my mindset around work and magic has completely shifted, and I am more grounded and centered than I've ever been.
I’m hooked. Everything has changed from where I live, to my career, to how I view the world and my place in it. This is the most helpful thing I have found.
If you want to do the same thing, keep reading... What's in the course?Magical Rituals: Radical Magic is my entire step-by-step system for building a powerful connection to your intuition, magic and the universe.
It will show you how to make sh*t easier, use less effort, have more flow, every day, in 6 weeks.
It will teach you how to create a life you desire from the ground up.
It will keep you unstoppable as you go through the dark nights of the soul.
It will teach you how to generate effortless changes within your reality with only your mind and intention.
You will learn how to integrate, trust and ease into shadow work and the manifestation process.
You will learn the exact framework I use to receive signs and synchronicity and connect to the world around you.
You will learn how to create a supportive environment that enables easy and effortless change and transformation within your reality.
You will get 8 weeks unlimited one-on-one email consulting with me.
You will get access to a private community full of other people improving their lives.
You will get regular group Q&A sessions with the entire community.
You will get access to advanced masterclass the 12 Laws of Magic (the 12 immutable laws of the universe).
If you know you need to build a connection with your inner magic and abilities, but feel lost when it comes to what you actually need to do, this course perfect fit.
It is like a university class. There is a syllabus. An order to the program. Assignments. Interaction. Examples. Templates. Literally everything you need. This isn't just a bunch of tactics or blog posts strung together. It's a system to create a LIFE that will give you freedom. THE WAY LIFE WAS DESIGNED TO DO.
So much love,
♡ T x
PS. Today’s action items:
Action Item #1: Ask yourself what magic (and living a magical life) actually means to you - and write it down.
Action Item #2: Comment below and tell me what magic means to you.
Take 15 minutes. Dream about what it would be like. Then comment to reply below and share it with me.
PPS. If this resonates with you, I suggest you join my newsletter list by entering your email in the forms on this site so we can stay in touch.