15 magical ways to manifest your desires
Hi loves,
First of all, I wanted to let you all know that I added a resource page to my website that will help you design a magical life that you are completely in love with.
I have picked out some of my favorite things for you that I think you need! I know you are going to love them too.
Now, let’s be serious, when it comes to manifesting theres obviously a bit more too it, HOWEVER(!) here’s what manifesting all comes down to…
1. Adopt an attitude of gratitude.
Gratitude simply makes abundance chase you. When you are living in a state of gratitude and appreciation for all of the blessings in your life, you are sending a clear signal to the Universe that you have everything that you desire. This in turn will attract more of your desires into your life, because the world is a reflection of you. Gratitude is a mysterious art - where in order to revolutionize your life and experience unlimited abundance and magic you needed to actually project, feel and express it. Gratitude also works on your vibration which improves and rises naturally over time and with practice. Gratitude pretty much tops the list of vibrational frequencies coming in at 900 (with 1000 being god consciousness!!!).
2. Visualize living your dreams with feeling.
Spend AT LEAST five minutes a day visualizing yourself living your dream life in as much detail as possible. Where are you? Who are you with? What are you doing? What can you see, smell, hear, taste and touch? Focus on the sensations and feelings and make them as real as possible. Bonus points if you write it down so that you can recall those feelings on demand.
3. Create a new identity.
Imagine for a moment that you already had what you desire. Your goal. How would you act? How would you talk? How would you walk, think, feel, dress and make decisions? Create a clear picture of You 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, whatever - and act as if you are that person throughout your day, until it becomes your natural state of being. I cannot stress this enough. The only constant in life is change and you are either growing or you’re dying.
4. Clean up your clutter.
When you are holding onto the old you are not making room for the new in your life. Let go of anything that no longer serves you or does not help you to feel your best. If you have no idea where to begin, Marie Kondo does. So, check out her book ‘Konmari’. Clear out anything old, broken and not being used. If you love it, obvs keep it. ;)
5. Physically prepare for your dreams to arrive.
If you truly expected your dreams to occur, what would you be doing to prepare? What would your next step be? Do that right now. If not now, immediately. Every next step brings you closer to your goal becoming REAL. If you want to attract a romantic partner, buy a spare toothbrush. If you want to attract new clients, block off time in your calendar and get prepared. If you want to attract financial abundance, get your bank accounts and finances well organized so you can easily handle any new income and the responsibility that comes with it.
6. Ask for divine guidance.
Your soul / higher-self can see FAR beyond what your physical self and rational mind can see. In fact, it sees everything and knows anything and everything. So work on surrendering your sense of control and begin to pray / ask for daily guidance to move you in the direction of your goals and dreams.
If you are ready to go through the secret back-stage door to connecting with your higher-self, the universe, natural magic, manifesting and spirituality — please join me in Magical Rituals: Radical Magic.
7. Let go of attachment to outcomes.
The are an infinite number of ways your desires can manifest in your life. Rather than getting too attached to one specific dating partner, job, house or opportunity, cultivate an open mind and an unwavering sense of trust in the unfolding of your dreams. Pay attention to where your direct involvement is required and when the universe is handling it for you. Receiving signs from the universe is fine and dandy, but navigating them and implementing their advice is better.
8. Follow your intuition.
Whenever you get an intuitive inspiration to create a new project, go to the beach, call a friend or attend an event, trust in that guidance and take action on it. When it comes to manifesting your dreams, you need to meet the Universe halfway by moving towards them. When you ignore these signs, you will have to wait for the next one first of all, but you are also letting your ego scare you out of every good thing your higher-self wants to give you.
Intuition = Listen to it.
Ego = Don’t listen to it.
9. Feel good now.
Instead of putting your happiness on hold until you create the life you want, learn to feel good and appreciate your life now. Make a list of things that you like to do that bring you joy — like dancing, hot yoga, time outside in nature, cooking a delicious meal or reading an amazing book — and schedule them into your week. Happiness is a way of living and thinking, not a destination. Increase your standards and expectations of life, make yourself a priority and then make that a routine and a habit, and then the universe will take care of the rest on your behalf. It just wants you to know and feel deep down that you are worth it first, before it rewards you for it.
10. Live in the present moment.
If you are constantly reliving the past or worrying about the future, you will literally miss out on seeing and experiencing the beauty, blessings and miracles all around you. Touch base with the present moment by noticing the sights, sounds, tastes, feelings and smells around you (5 things you can see, 4 things you can hear, 3 things you can feel, 2 things you can smell, 1 thing you can taste). You can also work on your mindfulness in each moment, because that is where you really live, you don’t live anywhere else. How you approach each moment is how you approach life, so by being mindful you make sure that each moment is met with your conscious awareness and participation.
11. Write a goals and dreams journal.
Write about your dream day in the past tense as if it had just unfolded. Describe in great detail all of the amazing things that unfolded and how happy and grateful it made you feel. Absolutely do not let yourself feel guilty for the things that you want. Want them and go get em. Your desires are holy and you deserve them because you do. You are worthy because you are. That is why you are here.
12. Celebrate your wins.
Don’t get so focused on your next big dream and “what you don’t have” that you forget to take note of all of the wonderful true and beautiful things that are currently happening all around you and also unfolding. Celebrate your daily wins big and small and you will see that increase ten-fold.
13. Use affirmations with feeling.
Affirmations are a powerful tool to reprogram your subconscious mind and attract what you desire. I repeat, they reprogram your subconscious. If you didn’t know, for most people (98% of people) their subconscious is running the show. You can also write a list of empowering beliefs that you want to have, such as: “I am enough. I am powerful. I am loved. I am worthy. I deserve it because I do. I am financially secure and have unlimited opportunities in life. I am always divinely guided and inspired and I always take the right turn of the road. I am complete and beautiful exactly as I am. I completely love, forgive and accept myself.” Make sure that you feel them as you say them. Keep saying the words to bring the feelings into your body. Feel the words in your heart if you can. Feeling is the secret ingredient.
14. Exercise your imagination.
As a child, your imagination was wild and free! But you may have lost touch with this powerful and innate gift. It’s normal. You can reactivate your imagination more by asking yourself questions each morning like: What is the most outrageously amazingly awesome thing that could happen to me today? What would I love to happen today? How can I give to the world today? What wonderful people I will meet and talk to today?
15. Find ways to live your dreams today.
The more you can feel like you are living your dreams today, the faster they will manifest in your life. So find small ways to begin living your dreams today. If you dream of finding love, take yourself out on solo dates to places that you want to go and find ways to compliment yourself - like every time you look in the mirror. If you dream of having financial freedom, overflow and abundance, wear your best clothes and take care of your belongings. If you dream of travelling, explore your own city and try new activities where you live. All of these small actions will begin to create a new feeling and vibration inside of you, which will in turn attract opportunities for the fulfilment of your dreams. When you combine this with gratitude and feeling the feelings you are compounding all the right moves on top of each other. ;)
♡ T x
P.S. Want to learn a practical step-by-step process to get into alignment, upgrade your mindset, and manifest your desires? The Magical Rituals: Radical Magic course is open now.