4 ways to turn sh*t into gold
hey loves,
Honestly the dark night of the soul happens to us more often than we’d like to admit it.
For some it can hit you and happen multiple times a day causing anxiety, nervousness and worry.
So, I want to share my process for what to do when things appear to be going wrong (to sh*t) — and you don't know what to do.
The first thing I do is remember that everything is for my good and in my favor. That is step one. But there are four steps in total that I deeply rely on.
They guide me through what to do and how to be, think and act... when things appear to be going wrong.
Yes, you heard me right.
BTW I believe all situations (whether perceived as good or bad in my mind) get to result in more good. And more joy and abundance.
Now, with these 4 tools, I want you to turn up the heat in your existence and help you fling off some brighter sparks.
Here is what I invite you to do:
1.) Cultivate truth and beauty daily.
Each morning, one of the first things to do is contemplate or write down your response to the question: “What’s true in my life? And what’s beautiful? What else do I want to call in that is true and beautiful?”
I’ve been doing this for the past few years now - and whenever I do this ritual, things go better.
I become more in touch with the universe, with who I am; and with what I need to do (that’s the truth part) and I’m becoming more sensitive to the glory all around me (that’s the beauty part).
Lately, I’ve been doing this activity for the past two days and I can feel myself coming alive again, in a thousand miraculous and surprising ways. I can’t believe I hadn’t taken it seriously and stopped for so long!
When I took the time to do this each day about the reality of my situation (after my mom died, because it sucked SO much) and about the beauty that I saw in myself, others, and the world served the dual purpose of both making me face the facts without denial, minimization, or rationalization… and also letting me dream about what could be possible and about still feeling loved in the world.
This gave me enough strength to eventually build up my resolve and build the awesome existence I currently enjoy.
Now that I’m quite a bit more peaceful and about seventy trillion times more confident as cultivating truth and beauty continues to serve me because…
… as it turns out, there’s always more to discover when it comes to these primary spiritual principles of self-talk, self-love and self-confidence.
They’re no longer dramatically rescuing me from depressing scenario, but they are bringing the much needed oxygen of consciousness to my experience - thus stoking the flames.
What does it mean to meditate on what is true and what is beautiful?
How do you choose to look at what is true and beautiful? About what’s true in your life and also the beauty of the circumstances that the Universe has put you in?
Trust the medicine to continue its work with you.
Remain open to the intuitions, feelings, sensations, dreams, and understandings that rise within you. Remember, to inquire deeply — into what is true in your life.
2.) Experience extreme faith, gratitude and optimism.
As every life-coach and new-agey metaphysical person out there will tell you (and I, friends, am no exception) you have to vividly feel and imagine as if your life working out in a way that will utterly shock you and rock your socks.
Especially if you want your socks to end up rocked.
The reason everyone will tell you this is because they are kind and good - and it, ladies and gentlemen, is true.
How do I know it’s true? Well, that’s a good story.
I practice the kind of optimism that cutting edge magic and manifesting teachers describes — and that optimism gave me the power to fearlessly examine my previous patterns and change my false beliefs about who I am and what I deserve.
I also practice much deep diving than that into my shadow to integrate the parts of myself I also found unlovable. Which resulted in me cosmically attracting to myself the experiences I needed along my journey to bring me to where I am today.
Even though the darkness I was able to follow my sense and chord of calm serenity - of my passion - to bring me to a farther reality than I once dreamed of.
This experience of going from life is happening to me, to still optimistically go after my burning desires. Regardless of where my emotions lied to me, my burning desires never left me. My optimism was allowed to be expressed through something outside of myself to continue to guide me to where I am now.
And we are not talking about lazy optimism. Not, “Oh, whatever, yeah, that maybe could happen” optimism. I mean all-in-like-a-cannon-ball-hoping-irrationally-with-all-my-heart, completely exposed and vulnerable optimism.
That’s called extreme throbbing extra-rational optimism, because when you’re really doing it (and more about how-to soon) your whole body pulses with ecstasy.
So, you know, rationality and reason are way over-rated. Thats why this is extreme optimism.
The reasoning mind (at least mine) only knows what was true in the past, and makes conclusions and deductions out of that. It says that any hope that something truly different and way more better could happen is “irrational.”
It’s actually NOT “irrational” - it is extra-rational. It exceeds reason. It exceeds the known. It’s willing to accept the unknown - and that unknown is super-fucking-rad.
It’s where I am always going, and I’m confident that I will always be happily surprised.
3.) Take short and sweet leaps of absolute faith.
Little leaps of faith can be thought of as hops. Hops are really hopeful optimistic practices.
Like teeny tiny leaps and demonstrations of faith.
Except they’re not leaps, because leaps are big and really really hard, because they require a running start. Hops rather, are — you know, just little hops.
They’re fun and less daunting and more like bouncing as bunnies bounce.
My point is, each day, we need to take little actions that are in line with the dreams (of our throbbing, extra-rational optimism).
These mini actions must also be fun, and I don’t mean big actions. I don’t mean stuff that feels like a drag. I just mean small little hip hops, that are along the trail.
These kind of hops are much, much easier to do, by the way, when you are indeed practicing your throbbing, extra-rational optimism - because that stuff (has some oomph in it and) provides inspirational energy that you might otherwise lack.
Originally, when I was first practicing money optimism and learning “how to manifest more money”, my mini hops were these: “window shopping” online and looking for clothes I liked; getting dressed up and eating amazing meals that makes me feel luxurious. That’s it. So you see, these tiny little hops were not only not tough - they were also fun.
Here’s the thing though… had I not been practicing my throbbing, extra-rational optimism, I totally would have talked myself out of those activities. “What’s the point at looking at this or that website? I haven’t shopped at those stores in years. “Go out for a nice dinner tonight? But getting an outfit together would take so much energy… Better to just stay home and watch Netflix.”
So what happened instead due to my little hops and a little effort?
Well, at the restaurant lounge I got to dress up as my true self, like a Goddess, and had drinks and dinner with my favourite man, my husband - which was a great time.
Stuff with shopping online (since I am no where close to an actual mall) has since been going great, buying things I hadn’t exactly allowed myself to buy in the last few years sure did help bolster my self-esteem around money and abundance, which had been trampled by my previous years of misadventures of backwards land and paying off debt…
Recently, I’ve been finding some more amazing satin and silk camis to go with my new favorite pair of jeans, that I had been dreaming of buying and seeing repeatedly in my (luxurious, abundant and prosperous feeling) night-time dreams. Hmmmmmm. So yeah man— hops.
Currently, my now throbbing, extra-rational optimistic dream is to become an internationally-known speaker, spiritual self-help author, workshop-leader, and life coach.
It occurred to me that by me writing my blog in which I share with the world what I know about making life richer - is a fun non-difficult hop that aligns with my dream. ;)
4.) 5 minutes towards beauty.
Every day spend five minutes making something beautiful. A painting, our kitchen, a garden, your lunch, a homemade cake, a smoothie, a song, etc.
What you make doesn’t need to be “beautiful” in the “wow, that’s pretty” sense - it’s more that it’s beautiful in that it’s revealing something real through your craft. Whatever that craft is.
Remember, truth IS beauty.
And honesty - even the difficult to look-at and talk about stuff - is also beautiful.
Clearing the air is also beautiful. So is communication.
What I’m saying is, just because your business idea is so not socially conforming, doesn’t mean it can’t count as your “something beautiful” - because it’s true, so true, you see.
Thereby, devoting 5 minutes a day to making something beautiful has the powerful effect of putting you in direct alignment with the creative force of the universe.
Which, as you may notice, makes everything beautiful every day.
If you don’t yet have enough skills in a particular area to sit down and “make something beautiful” right then and there, that’s absolutely fine.
Practice and playing around counts too, as long as that practice is towards beauty.
For example, I’m working on making the transition from many topics (such as my courses and my blog) into one coherent topic to put out there for a book. So writing and practicing my writing through my blog, newsletter or social media counts!
Okay, so that’s what I request you to do for the next foreseeable future. I hope you’ll join in!
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♡ T x
PS. Remember: When you’re ready, and you know in your gut that you need to be thrown to the wolves and finally master your magic, Magical Rituals: Radical Magic is the best way to do it. I'll take you by the hand and baby-step you through the entire process and journey.
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