creating a sacred magical morning ritual

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Hi loves,

The most important thing in life is to feel good

And let’s not beat around the bush, my friends… If you don’t feel good, you will always be dragging your shitty energy and feelings behind you like a long cape that attracts and picks up every bit of dirt, crumb, piece of lint, and stray piece of dog poop. 

One of the most effective ways to cut that sh*tty albatross-like cape loose is to actively work on raising your vibration in the morning.

That is why, today, I want to talk to you about the concept of infusing your morning routine with sacred intentional energy. 

This is where the definite purpose energy that Napoleon Hill talks about in the ‘Science of Success’ meets every day practical application through having a morning ritual done right.

by the way.

Even if you don’t have a morning routine, this is the only one you need. What we do in the morning is so important and so impactful because it sets the tone for the rest of the day - and sets energies in motion that 10000% affect your future. 

However, a lot of us like to pretend and act as if we don’t have enough time to do what we want to do, but that is just an excuse. Anyone - no matter how busy your life is - can find an hour in the morning to feel good.

Each morning we have the choice to either make the day a fulfilling day or a lousy one. To let it steamroll you, or to take control and show it who’s boss! 

Whether you are wishing or worrying - these get instantly fulfilled.

The Universe’s infinite intelligence is ever ready to carry out even the smallest or greatest demands.

“There is always plenty on your pathway; but they can only be brought into manifestation through desire, faith or by the spoken word.”
- Florence Scoval Shinn.

Every desire, uttered or unexpressed, is a demand we put out. Then, we are often startled by having a wish suddenly fulfilled.

The way it works, to break it down, is there are three departments of the mind, the subconscious, conscious and superconscious.

The subconscious, is simply power, without direction. It is like steam or electricity, and it does what it is directed to do; it has no power of induction.

Whatever we feel deeply or imagines clearly, or is impressed upon the subconscious mind, is carried out in minutest detail.

However, there is a perfect picture of this in our superconscious mind. It usually flashes across our conscious minds as an unattainable dream or goal - "something too good to be true."

In reality it is your true destiny (or destination) flashed to you to your conscious mind, from the Infinite Intelligence through your intuition, which is within yourself.

So let’s start using this capacity to consciously manifest what we want daily.

Starting in the morning.

… ..

If I am really honest with you, my mornings are different every time… I am not a “morning person”. I never was. I love laying in my bed so much to me it’s like cloud 9 to me. I am also a mother of two young girls (both heavily ruled by Gemini, 9 & 5 yrs old) so sometimes I feel like I don’t even get a chance to think or do anything dedicated to me and my own peace of mindAHHHHHHH!

But I know this one fact: I create my reality. I have to find a balance.

Without further ado, I was inspired to give you my 5 ways for making the most out of your morning and creating an intuitively inspired day.

… because this my friends, is what I personally do:

1. No looking at the computer or phone. 

The greatest lesson we will ever learn is to be happy, be confident and have energy no matter what. So why not begin as soon as your eyes flutter open? It’s only logical. 

To be truthful, there is nothing that needs you more than you need you first thing in the morning. So remember that next time you pick up your phone as you get out of bed, and put it back down. An hour is not forever.

Imagine how different your day would be if you made the effort to feel joy first thing - and not mindless scrolling!?

I think this is important because it’s so easy to get sucked into social media or work emails before we’ve even spent any time with ourselves or taken care of anything that requires our attention (making tea / coffee, dishes, going to the bathroom, getting dressed, making and eating breakfast)… These all actually do require our attention more than our phones.

If you haven’t guessed yet, this habit with checking our phones before we have a moment to think can create feelings of anxiety and being overwhelmed

In this case, don’t touch your phone and your computer (if you can help it) for the first hour at least of the day. You can set a time for yourself for when you’ll check your tech, but don’t look before then. 

When I’m able to go the first few hours of the day without getting sucked into the social media world… I feel much calmer and serene. 

I actually find that I can plan what I do later better, and therefore have a better idea of what I am doing and not let myself be distracted.

It’s not easy, but I stick to it.

BONUS TIP: Self-pleasure / Sex! I mean… I probably don’t have to extol the many alchemical virtues of this practice to you. Basically, if you REALLY want to ascend to the next level… Visualize what you want at the moment of orgasm and beam it out like sparks into the universe. This is sex magic, and it’s rad as f*ck. Meow!

2. Align with your body and yourself. 

It’s worth my effort to touch base with myself right from the beginning… or at least after I’ve had coffee (or tea, whenever I’m taking it easy on coffee) and have woken up.

In the morning I find a time where I am sitting comfortably, and I stop and take a few deep breaths. This is basic Pranayama. 

By focusing my attention on my breath for at four sets of breathes of 4 / 16 / 8 (Example: 4 second inhale, 16 second hold, and 8 second exhale) two to four times a day - or doing at least 30 deep vase breaths, as my pranayama ritual helps fuel my body with extra life-force like a battery full of electricity. 

Next, when I have another free moment I clear my mind, and think of 3-5 things I’m grateful for. Also I typically throw in feeling the gratitude because it’s that feeling that magnetizes more of it.

If I am being honest, this usually happens while I am making coffee and cleaning the kitchen because thats usually what I do.

If I want to, I also expand by adding 3 ways I most want to feel, and then contemplating and if I need to writing down 3 things the “future me” would do today / now in order to most feel the way I want to feel. It sometimes becomes a to do list that helps me get what I want through inspired actions.

The reason why I do this, is because feeling is what is really important… and not so much the documenting the details.

By having a ritual of breathing, gratitude, and intention helps you align and recenter yourself - and when you’re feeling peaceful…

… and happy, more good things find their way into your experience.

3. Do something that makes you feel good. 

What’s one thing that makes you excited to get out of bed every morning? I’m not talking about anything huge or super significant… Although I could see how this aspect could maybe be the best part of a sacred magical morning…

What if you took the opportunity to make your bed your cozy temple?

You could do this by… Surrounding your bed with crystals. Waking up to natural light or music as an alarm. Placing a faux sheepskin on the floor next to the bed so you squish your toes into something lovely when you finally rise and shine? Layering your bedding with a scrumptious throw blanket or silk sheets. Having rainbow prisms shine through your room. Have pre-made crèpe breakfast mixture waiting for you to have a yummy breakfast.

What are you waiting for?

Now that you’ve set your ideal wake up scene…

Next, you want to do something that feels good. You could blow your mind by listening to a podcast that you like. Or you could queue up some rain or ocean sounds for meditation, stretching and blissing out. 

Maybe for you it’s eating that yummy breakfast, or taking a hot shower with a playlist, or doing bikram yoga, or going on an invigorating run with your partner or a friend. Maybe it’s just journalling.

There are so many ways to make this feel great, and it is such a beautiful way to bring yourself into alignment with yourself.

We’re talking about a small but important enticer that starts you off in a good mood; whatever it is, you’ll want to do that.

4. Feel the result of your goals being completed. 

Here is where the magic happens… 

Look at each goal or intention you have on your “list” for the day (that you just did in #2) and then think about, imagine, and contemplate on each one how you will feel after it has happened. As though it has already happened.  

I’ll usually have my desires / plans / intentions / goals written down as if it’s already happened, and next I’ll write how it’s going to make me feel, and then I let myself feel those emotions. 

Feeling the emotions should feel like what it feels like when you think and imagine “fuck yeah, it happened, I did it, it was so easy!”

Whatever it is, big or small, think about how you want to feel afterwards. Because only this will bring the essence of what you want into your reality

If you’re thinking, “Damn T, I don’t have all day for this morning crap”. 

I just want to say that’s bullsh*t. I’ve battled that kind of thinking too before. I’ve even been my own worst enemy and you may be yours (don’t worry it’s not permanent - we don’t mean to be).

I have fought that very same battle of lethargy, doubt, having little to no energy and thinking that “doing” things are a “waste of time”. Well, actually I’m more of a skeptic and dreamer and a doubter than you could imagine.

But I am a realist. So if I too saw the light on taking action doing this seemingly mundane thing that seems borderline imaginary - and the importance of having a (semblance of a) routine, you will too.

However, this is a choice that you make, and you either choose to make an effort and do it or you don’t. 

The magic we seek is often the work that we avoid doing.

Now, once you have everything written down then ALL THAT YOU ARE DOING NEXT is just running through each one of your goals and allow yourself to feel the feelings as though they happened for real. 

The idea is here to get in touch with what it is going to feel like. Like feel all of the feelings that it brings up.

Doing this visualization and feeling act helps magnetize with your mind and heart aligned what you want to you, and it also prepares you for what it will feel like when you do get it. (It’s really more about feeling than imagining, I want to make that very clear.)

You can tell yourself the words of having the thing that you want happen then allow yourself to feel the feelings. It’s that easy. But it does take practice.

In essence it makes a quantum ripple. Which is what manifesting is based off of at a basic quantum, universal law and spiritual level. 

Anyways, this is your time to align with yourself and touch base with what you want to create in your life. 

The key is doing it; as opposed to not doing it. ;)

5. Visualize the kind of day that you want. 

Lastly, go through a little mental rundown of how you would like your day to go. 

If you’re going to be asking for a raise at work, visualize being told YES and excitedly calling your spouse to tell them the good news. 

If you’re a stay-at-home parent who homeschools (like me), you could visualize staying patient and present with your children and having fun. 

I also always like to visualize feeling the feelings of experiencing interactions with good news or fresh opportunities! Really, anything you’d like to happen, visualize it!

When you stay in touch daily with what your true self really wants and needs, really good things happen and we feel much more in control of our lives. 

One more thing…

This whole morning routine idea works best without a lot of structure, rules, or conditions. Why? F*ck the rules, and f*ck the conditions! 

What feels good one morning will feel like a drag the next. So, be sure to give yourself the gift of flexibility, exercise your spontaneity muscles, test out your intuition - and free yourself and be gentle with yourself.

Making effort is hard work and every little thing you do counts.

And when we cover ourselves with rules and conditions, what we are essentially saying is that we cannot be happy unless this condition is met. 

We do this all the time. It’s nonsense and bullsh*t. So let’s make a promise to stop doing that. 

Sounds good, right? Go get into it!

Do you have any morning rituals that help you start the day off right? Feel free to write in questions to me in the comments below anytime!

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Love and magical mornings,

♡ T x

PS. Learning to live a magical life that’s burning well with lots of creativity, love, joy and optimism can be a daunting task if you’ve felt stuck for sometime.

It can help a great deal to work with someone who has a lot of experience implementing these principles and who can help you to hear your own inner guidance as you travel on your adventure.

To arrange a session, please email us.