5 day magic experiment / day 3 & 4. paying sacred attentio

Hi love!

Today, I want you to choose to stretch our mind towards the wildly numinous instead of the boring and the mundane.

To the weirdly miraculous and awesome, instead of the unnoticed and the normal...

Which brings me to day 3+4 in this magical experiment (did you catch day 1 and day 2?)...

We are going to use an extra day to really dive deep into this lesson.

These days, most people are unaware of how powerful they truly are and even if they’re aware of the concept, they haven’t a clue on where to start or how to create the life they deserve.

You may be feeling that way, as well.

What happens is, too often we get stuck in repetitive thought patterns. This thought cycle of negativity has been wired into our brains. We are programmed growing up, with the idea that everything in the world is happening to us. Rather than creating a world where everything happens for us.

As it turns out, we live in strange times. And we’re all alchemists. Perhaps about 99% of us have forgotten it. As we have lost touch with our greater, deeper connection and identity as God Source — incarnate.

Take miracles for example. It's too easy to believe when a miraculous or unexplained event occurs, that it is nothing more than chance or a random act that involves luck. This is so, because we are wired to respond to the external. In this belief, we give away our power; when we react to an event as an external happening, rather than taking responsibility for our own response in co-creation of the manifestation.

As it is well known that what you focus on, expands. This is because the directions you give your brain through your focused attention, tell the brain, “This is what is important to me. Match my outer reality to the inner reality.”

If you focus on not having enough money, the brain will find evidence of that in your environment. Thus, your brain's filters will continue to effectively make you blind to abundance and cause you to operate according to the “reality” that you perceive with your eyes. But you can train the brain to filter out everything (what blocks you) except WHAT YOU WANT to receive (ie. your desires).

Repeating this action of focusing on what you want, will create filters that will then only allow the intake of information that is based on what you want.

These are the directions for your brain to find the ways and means to achieve your desires.

When your attention shifts from what you don't want, to what you do want... you literally OPEN YOUR BRAIN to what you want.

So, let me ask you... What are you paying attention to? On what are you focusing on? Whatever it is, can be recognized in and by what is playing out in your life right now.

Because creation works through us.

By giving your brain the right instructions based on what you want, you become a conscious creator. And then, as always, what you focus on, will expand.

These instructions will prompt your brain to seek evidence of this inner reality in your environment, and you will experience positive feelings around taking action that is required to match the outer reality to your inner reality.

Before we talk about paying attention and how to do it, let’s define the word "attention"... Attend c. 1300, “to direct one’s mind or energies,” from Old French atendre (12c., Modern French attendre) “to expect, wait for, pay attention,” and directly from Latin attendere “give heed to,” literally “to stretch toward,” from ad- “to” + tendere“ stretch”. The notion is of “stretching” one’s mind toward something.

Your mind is like an energetic telepathic probe and magnet that reaches out automatically to connect with that which you “attend” to, creating a magnetic two- way current.

This is what is called sacred attention and sacred attention yields amazingly magical results.

Homework Assignment

1. Now that you understand the power of your own thoughts, use them to visualize your future self.

Practice emotionally connecting to this person. How would this person wake up in the morning? What habits would they have? What thoughts would they think? Who would they spend their time with? Close your eyes and run through these scenarios.

If you’re having a tough time visualizing a journal can be helpful. Write a letter as your future self from the person you are today. Imagine you are 2 years into the future. Focus on the changes you made and how they brought you to be the person you are now.

Close your eyes and hold the emotion of what it is like to be this new person. Continually repeat this adding more emotion and detail as it naturally comes to you.

The idea is simple, you're going to pretend you are your future self, writing a letter to yourself in the present. It sounds crazy but you may surprise yourself with what comes through. You want to journal about what they know that you need to know right now.

Let yourself let go and be open about what you would like to change and how to expand yourself in this space over the next month. Let yourself let go during this process so you can truly experience the magic.

2. Set the intention to receive the symbol of ________.

Your choice. Ask the universe to bring you a symbol of your choice and of meaning, and sit back to receive to see how powerful your thoughts really are.

I always have an intention set to receive a flamingo as my sign for me to know that all is right and aligned with the world and my highest self.

This will also show you first hand how quickly you can attract something as easy as a sign or symbol.

3. Think about a problem you need help with and transform it into a solution.

The intention and goal is to stop focusing on feeding the problem and begin believing the solution already happened!

Say it with me: “It is already done. It happened. It worked. It was so easy.”

More examples:
“Guess what? I got the job! It’s mine!”
“I love my healthy relationship with my soulmate!”
“My kids are behaving great!”
“This car is already fixed and running good.”
“I now have the car of my dreams.”
“My bank account is always abundant, I never run out of money.”

PS. Adding your own enthusiasm really helps!!!

4. Choose a question that you want an answer to, that matters to you.

Give it 48 hrs for solid synchronistic clues, and for a clear thumbs up that has meaning to you. Here your intention is to be very specific in directing synchronistic guidance. Be direct with your soul. Speak clearly, as though you are writing a letter with your words or thoughts. The reason you need to be specific, is because it wants us to be very direct and clear with what we want, need and ask for. The facts. So for the next 2 days pay attention and follow the guidance of synchronicity.

Feel free to ask the universe for backup guidance with your attention on alert and cued for any signals and synchronicities for confirmation to be really clear. It also wants you to always filter out what you want and don’t want.

If you are willing to ask for help from our loving Angels that surround us, you will see it with SPEED.

You may see a sign that holds meaning or relays a message to you.
Someone will mention the exact thing you are thinking about, such as a name of a place.
Someone will mention something that relates to what you are thinking about.
You may see all of this happen within 24 hours!

See you tomorrow for the last lesson in 5 days of magic!

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Haven't you waited long enough to access your inner magic?

- Tara X

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