everyday quick spells to connect to your magic
Today I have another juicy question coming from the community (submit your questions here or in the free library portal on my site) …
Q: What everyday, quick spells do you recommend to help you connect with yourself and manifest magic?
I am a huge advocate of you being the source of the power for your own magic!
This is a great question...
The best place for you to start is where you currently are.
And knowing where you are is the key to knowing what you need to do next.
So when you are starting out with your personal practice of magic / manifesting / spells, the practice itself is going to ask you to look straight to the sore spot (i.e. the problem in your life) you are experiencing.
This sore spot is asking you to look at it, and it wants you to question it's existence and find out deep down…
What do you not want?
What do you want to replace it with?
One thing to note too, is that this starting point moment also has is tons of opportunity — even though it feels like there is zero clarity and focus -- in this moment, like the moment you may be in, you are faced with the gloriously mind blowing task of being able to ask for anything at all.
In this situation, you can sometimes feel as if you don’t even know what to ask for and the pain of choosing is too hard to endure!
The problem that is happening here is simply just flight or fright.
This is the ego's fear and when it overtakes us and it leads us to feeling anxious, nervous, or complacency (so as to not ask for anything at all).
Or to add to that, we also feel the wrath and condemnation of the ego in combination to this, over the fact that you shouldn’t ask for anything at all (because reasons, like you should spend your entire life being grateful for what you have only).
This however, is only true up to a point…
Because, A) Gratitude is only just a vibration and it isn’t the be all end all driving force of how this whole universe works (it’s just a small part of it).
And, B) Well the ego thinks that it’s its job is to keep you safe (through you taking the brunt of its wrath and mental torture) and it is not in control of us and we should be the one in charge.
None of this fear is real, so I want you to be able to move through this tangly mess and onto the next steps.
When doing magic and spells, you have to learn the fact that:
You truly are allowed to be selfish enough to ask for better things in our life (we all are).
You just need to see things differently in order to learn how to take the control back from your loving (not really) ego.
When facing this situation for yourself, you have to find out what is most important to you, and then take it from there -- and that means you need to decide what you need the most.
Sometimes that’s money
Sometimes that’s inspiration.
Sometimes that’s help and support.
Sometimes that’s love.
Sometimes that’s healing.
Sometimes that’s space.
Sometimes that’s peace.
Sometimes that’s expansion.
Sometimes that’s a lesson.
Moving on, some great advice (that I read a couple years ago) was to make a list of <100 ideas - and then filter it by the most important and most wanted.
This is great advice because in order to get to 100 successfully manifested ideas, you have to start with a list of things you want to manifest.
Your best bet is to come up with 1-10 first ). ;)
1-10 ideas are all you need.
1 thing is generally not enough because you need to get the ball rolling on a few things at first (to gain experience and to start seeing movement and action).
5 things are great to start because you’ll find that you end up crossing off manifesting things within days or weeks and have to fill in new manifestations to work on (that you are calling in).
Having 6-10+ things is perfect for knowing what you want next without having to strain yourself to think too hard when you are crossing things off your list and adding new ones to your active manifesting list.
A great tactic is to just jot the date down in a journal and write down bullet form the new things you want to call in to your life then consider it logged and noted by your subconscious and the universe.
So, you can begin to put to the test your “calling in” power by simply practicing it out on a few random things, while you are also using it to practice calling in things through intention.
You can do this by setting the intention to receive the symbol of something of your choice (i.e. a flamingo, peacock, train, rabbit, butterfly etc — literally anything) and then forgetting about it.
When the sign or requested symbol shows up, you know you had a hand in calling it to you!
This is how you can also practice learning how to notice any signs, repeating symbols, numbers, messages that come to you — by knowing they have a meaning and are telling you something.
A handy rule of thumb is, I will only look up the meaning, or take action from a sign (one given to me by the universe), only if:
-I have seen the sign more than once (i.e. seeing the number 4141 yesterday, then 4141 again today).
- I dreamt of it the night before. I take dreams seriously.
- Heard the message, twice.
- If I see a book pop up that I may want to read (I consider that a recommendation from the universe), and I’ll screenshot it and add it to my goodreads reading list — generally I get the best book recommendations this way.
Whenever signs pop up during my day to day I know that it either is telling me something that should be paid attention to because it is required by me (to integrate or know what is happening in the energies around me, aka. the Forces Majeure).
The same thing goes for dreams, they are always telling you where your subconscious is feeling and believing and knowing the most — and while dreams are amazing at telling you (what your energies are) they are also amazing at telling you the energies of what is around you and what you can expect in the future.
All of these powerful information sources only serve as your soul helping you do everything you need and want to do, and what you need to know to do it.
As you can tell they are all coming from within and without and you are their source.
It doesn’t matter if you are doing spells or manifesting with your mind, because to me they are all the same and add up to the magic of meaning that gets relayed to your subconscious and the universe.
Magic is who you are.
Whether you are doing it on purpose or not, you are already making it happen.
God, source, the universe gave you everything you need to do what you willed in life.
As you can tell, you are the source of your magic and spells are not needed for connecting to your own power -- however these are fool proof ways to turn your magic mojo on.
Note: Spells are not required -- although they do add a certain ethereal magic of correspondences that can't be surpassed because spells involve all your senses.
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Life satisfaction and personal happiness are within reach.
The harsh reality is that if you don’t develop your own vision, you’ll allow other people and circumstances to direct the course of your life.
Tara xx