how to use magic and witchiness for good

how to use magic and witchiness for good.png

Hi love!

How to use magic and witchiness for good and what’s the difference between those two and spirituality?

First, let’s look at the definition of magic...

Magic is defined as‘the ability to influence the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces’'the use of means (such as charms or spells) believed to have supernatural power over natural forces', and 'an extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural source'.

Also, it has been noted that: “the whole and sole object of all true magical and mystical training is to become free from every kind of limitation".

So when you simply combine these things...

There is objectively nothing inherently bad about it at all.

The only reason we think it is bad, is because our awareness and knowledge of it is very small and we have been programmed with "ideas" of how it is.

Suppose the perception that ‘changing your reality is bad’ were not actually true...

... but just a belief that has been programmed into us both through our dna, society and viscerally through our ancestors that actually are the source of where these beliefs started (i.e. they are both collective and individual).

Even the fact that you don't know why you feel this way is explained by this — because unconscious / subconscious beliefs don’t have to make sense -- they just have to be recognized (for what they are) and integrated (which is why shadow work is very important).

Also, I want to add I had a dream once.

I forget who said the thing to me, but the gist was that “there is nothing new under the sun”.

So I woke up and searched that saying and here is what I found…

“What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” — Ecclesiastes 1:9.

What the meaning of my dream was telling me back then was this...

We spiritual human beings don’t know this (about creating your reality) because we are new to this -- we know this all deep down because we are TRUE TO THIS and have been doing this a very very long time.

We humans are all waking up again and again to the REAL truth that is hiding underneath all the other truths.

That we are meant to do this.

Over and over again, and in all of our lifetimes (even the ones where we never remembered or contributed to the downfall of it). 

This is the base basic mode of being.

To wake up to it and let it out time and time again.

It’s how we have power no matter what age we are in on earth.

We should be doing this and creating our lives this way, on default.

Here’s why this is good and what that has to do with (your) spirituality….

It HAS to do with your soul.

Your soul is your higher self.

It is your guide and intuition.

It places your desires in your heart for your direction and for navigation purposes.

Your soul is automatically involved because it is your source of power.

And that is where it is connected to and related to your spirituality.

You can’t do anything without your self backing you up, and you are your source, so that means all you ever needed was you.

And through you is how it all works and whether you know how to work it consciously or not, it is still happening and in full effect.

Influencing your reality is (simply) how you take back your conscious control and start moving in the direction of where you want to go instead of roaming through your days and life aimlessly.


You doing that, being the good hearted person that you are, can only do good from where you live, breath and stand right?

When you are connected to your inner magic and your soul you are the change you wish to see.

The words you say to yourself is the programming that runs the command.

It can be as fringe as “____________ come to me.”

To… “Higher self, can you please help attract __________ to me now.”

To… “I believe I am worthy of _____________ and attract that into my life now.”

To... as direct as… “I am no longer available for _____________ and am only available for _____________ starting now.”


As you can tell, any of these are thoughts and commands of desires and intentions.

There is no bad way to do it, there is only the way with oomph and the way with passivity.

Willing it, has oomph.

Hoping has passivity.

Intending for that and nothing but, has oomph.

Wondering if it’s coming, has passivity and more of low chances to go with it.

Your certainty and (orchestrator-like) direction is what lets you take the reins and also lets you see the changes happen for real.

Your attachment and desperation clings to results which is still looking at things how they are and not how you want them to be.

You couldn’t do any of this if it weren’t for this being the natural way it is supposed to be and the natural way it was supposed to be done.

The one way in which we are all on the same playing field, we are built equal by our source, we all have the same abilities.

We all get to know it and live it intrinsically for ourselves.

The results are the wayshowers.

Results are proof that if I or they can do it, you can do it too.

And so witchiness? — that is your essence by it’s very nature.


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I look forward to hearing from you! xoxo

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Let me know, how are you liberating yourself and unleashing your soulful magic and inherent witchiness?

Tara xx

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